Pastor and Church Leader Training

Within the radius that stretches from eastern Uganda to western Kenya, there are hundreds of village pastors and other church leaders who serve congregations of 20 - 1,000+ people. Very few have had educational opportunities beyond high school. Many don’t even own a bible. Yet, they are sincere and trying to shepherd, counsel, teach, preach and lead the people in their care; sometimes causing harm due to a worldview misaligned with scripture.

In 2018, 7 Billion Reasons began offering bible classes for the church leaders. The classes have been so well received, and so impactful, the Lord has given 7BR other opportunities to bring His truth to the churches in and around Busia, Uganda.

Discipleship Groups

God provided 7BR with people who are equipped and ready to lead discipleship groups for the Busia church leaders. These groups meet regularly for training, equipping, and living life accountable to one another. 

Seminary Training

7BR sponsored a young man as he worked his way through a Masters Degree with NTCGS (National Theological College and Graduate School). He now works at Global Leadership School, teaching the bible curriculum, and discipling the staff.

NTCGS Diploma Program

The regional church leaders are hungry for higher level training. Sadly, most lack the finances and academic prerequisites that are necessary to enroll in a graduate program. After years of praying and searching for a solution, God connected 7BR with NTCGS (National Theological College and Graduate School) in offering a diploma program designed for circumstances like those in Busia.

This two-year diploma program launched with our first cohort in August, 2024. Please pray for continued success in honoring God and training leaders to handle His word accurately.